Roger and I are excited to announce Direct Connect Printing has merged with Printing Partners. Effective October 2, 2020, Direct Connect Printing will be operating under the name of Printing Partners. We will continue to meet your needs and offer the same service you have grown accustom. Our new location will be 929 W 16th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202. You may reach us by phone or email as you always have. Those avenues of communication will remain in place during the transition.
This decision came after careful consideration and meaningful discussion regarding our move toward transitioning into pre-retirement mode. For over forty years, Roger has been working in the printing industry and mastered the craft quite well. I have always been driven by the administrative side of business and the one-on-one personal contact with our clients. Our decision was not made quickly, but rather over a long period of time. We have had a working relationship with Printing Partners for over twenty years. Our roots came from the same tree so to speak. As Roger and I move into less restrictive roles in our careers, we are also very determined to make this transition as seamless as possible. Both Roger and Lauren will be transitioning over to Printing Partners and maintaining our client portfolio with the same attention to detail and customer service that you have become accustom. Please be assured you will continue to be our top priority and we value your trust in our abilities.
With this merge, our capabilities will expand which is very exciting in so many ways. Printing Partners is a large commercial printing company with small business roots that run deep in their values and business model. Sharing the same work ethic and community minded values as Roger and I, we could not be more comfortable with this transition.
What does this mean to you and your organization? It simply means, we are growing in the services we offer and the ability to meet your current needs and future needs with the same enthusiasm as you have come to know when dealing with Direct Connect Printing just under a different name. We are the same people behind the service- just expanding in the number of willing and able personnel who will meet your printing needs.
Starting on October 2, 2020, any orders placed will be in Printing Partner's system and invoiced under the Printing Partners name.
Our pick-up and delivery service will not change; you may just see a few new faces on the delivery team.
Roger and I welcome any questions you may have regarding this exciting news, so please feel free to contact us either by phone 317-788-1242 or email: robin@directconnectprinting.net or lthurman@printingpartners.net.
We would like to thank you for your continued support and hope this transition will only prove to be as beneficial to you as it is to us. We value each and every customer we have established over the years.
Kind regards and continued success to each of you.
Roger and Robin Heldman